
Home >> Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield >Tungsten Radiation Safety Precautions

Tungsten Radiation Safety Precautions

The energy absorbing propertiesof tungsten alloys make them exceptional choices forRadiation Safety Precautionsin both and industrial settings.

>Compared with other metals tungsten heavy alloy are far superior in terms of absorptionof high energy beams and radiation;They have extremely low gas emissions in high vacuum and are superior in mechanical strength and processing workability.They are ideal such applications as medical equipment,nuclear power plants and other radiation shielding applications.

Benefits of tungsten alloy for Radiation Safety Precautions

High radiation attenuation good shielding capability
Thinner and often lighter than equivalent lead shields
Easy tosterilise& keep clean
Easily machined with conventional tools
Dimensionally stable up to 1000°C
Hard and durable–no need for steel or plastic coating
A team with over 20 years experience in tungsten

Our tungsten alloys are used for radioactive source containers gamma ray protection,;radiation;shields,x-ray shielding and source holders;for oil-well,logging,and industrial instrumentation.We can also use our tungsten alloys to make collimators and shielding cancer therapy machines and as syringe protection for radioactive injections.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about tungsten gamma radiation shield or gamma radiation shield. Our e-mail address is sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com. Or you can call us on 0086 592 5129696.

Related Links: Tungsten Radiation Shielding Application| Tungsten Radiation Shielding Advantage| Tungsten Medical Radiation Shielding
Address: 3F, No.25 WH Rd., Xiamen Software Park Ⅱ, FJ 361008,China
Phone:+86-592-5129696,+86-592-5129595; Email:sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com
 Certified by MIIT:閩B2-20090025 閩ICP備06012101號-1
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Home >> Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield >Tungsten Radiation Safety Precautions

Tungsten Radiation Safety Precautions

The energy absorbing propertiesof tungsten alloys make them exceptional choices forRadiation Safety Precautionsin both and industrial settings.

>Compared with other metals tungsten heavy alloy are far superior in terms of absorptionof high energy beams and radiation;They have extremely low gas emissions in high vacuum and are superior in mechanical strength and processing workability.They are ideal such applications as medical equipment,nuclear power plants and other radiation shielding applications.

Benefits of tungsten alloy for Radiation Safety Precautions

High radiation attenuation good shielding capability
Thinner and often lighter than equivalent lead shields
Easy tosterilise& keep clean
Easily machined with conventional tools
Dimensionally stable up to 1000°C
Hard and durable–no need for steel or plastic coating
A team with over 20 years experience in tungsten

Our tungsten alloys are used for radioactive source containers gamma ray protection,;radiation;shields,x-ray shielding and source holders;for oil-well,logging,and industrial instrumentation.We can also use our tungsten alloys to make collimators and shielding cancer therapy machines and as syringe protection for radioactive injections.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about tungsten gamma radiation shield or gamma radiation shield. Our e-mail address is sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com. Or you can call us on 0086 592 5129696.

Related Links: Tungsten Radiation Shielding Application| Tungsten Radiation Shielding Advantage| Tungsten Medical Radiation Shielding
Address: 3F, No.25 WH Rd., Xiamen Software Park Ⅱ, FJ 361008,China
Phone:+86-592-5129696,+86-592-5129595; Email:sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com
 Certified by MIIT:閩B2-20090025 閩ICP備06012101號-1
Copyright?1997 - ChinaTungsten Online All Rights Reserved