
Home >> Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield >>Tungsten Alloy Radioactive Source Container

Tungsten Alloy Radioactive Source Container

Tungsten alloy radioactive source container is used to hold radioactive resources to prevent radiation and to control radiant energy in medical treatment. Unless it is required for the measurement, the container is closed so that radiation is completely blocked and safe handling during transport and installation is guaranteed. When opening the shielding, the radiation is directed through a narrow channel towards the detector.

A particularly dense material with excellent shielding properties is needed to ensure that the surrounding tissue is protected and the radiation guided only to the intended locations. Tungsten heavy alloys are widely used in medical and industrial radiation shielding. There is no licensing required for tungsten alloy materials. Tungsten alloys are stable at high temperatures. You can use one-third less material than lead for the same energy-absorbing effectiveness, meanwhile it is non-toxic.

Tungsten Alloy Radioactive Source Container Images

tungsten alloy radioactive source container image  tungsten alloy radioactive source container image 

If you have any interest in tungsten alloy radioactive source container, please feel free to contact us by email: sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com or by telephone:86 592 5129696.

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