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Tungsten Alloy Cover Shielding Radiation

As radiation becomes a problem. To protect body from radiation is very important. Tungsten alloy cover shielding for plasma accelerator is quite necessary. Depending on heaviest density but smallest capacity, tungsten alloy material is more and more popular be used for making tungsten alloy cover shielding to protect body from plasma accelerator radiation. Compared with lead, tungsten is much smaller but with heavier density, which is very helpful for high radiation absorption. It is more than 60% denser than lead, meanwhile, it has excellent mach inability, good corrosion resistance. The most important thing is that, tungsten material is environment-friendly.

Advantages of tungsten alloy cover shielding
Experts find that radiation exposure could be reduced by maxing shielding. The density of a material is related to its radiation stopping ability. Higher density means better stopping power and shielding. Due to a higher density, tungsten heavy alloy has a much higher stopping power than lead. Its greater linear attenuation of gamma radiations means that less is required for equal shielding. Alternatively equal amounts of tungsten shielding provide diminished exposure risks than equivalent lead shielding.
Tungsten heavy alloy is a suitable raw material for radiation protection, as its combination of radiographic density (more than 60% denser than lead), mach inability, good corrosion resistance, high radiation absorption (superior to lead), simplified life cycle and high strength. It can provide the same degree of protection as lead whilst significantly reducing the overall volume and thickness of shields and containers. Besides, compared with lead or depleted uranium in the past, tungsten heavy alloy is more acceptable in this case, for they are non-toxic.

tungsten alloy radiation shielding tungsten alloy radiation shieldings
tungsten alloy radiation shieldings tungsten alloy radiation shielding

The usage of tungsten alloy cover shielding is not subject to NRC, EPA, or special OSHA regulations, so it has been widely used, such as:
Radioactive source containers
Gamma radiography shields
Shielding block
Source holders for oil well logging and industrial instrumentation
There is no licensing required for tungsten alloy materials. It is stable at high temperatures. You can use one-third less material than lead and receive the same energy-absorbing effectiveness.
Our high density tungsten alloy cover shielding is a first choice wherever radioactivity has to be controlled and directed.

If you are interest in tungsten alloy cover shielding,please feel free to contact sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com, or telephone 86 592 512 9696, we are at your service all the time.

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