
Home >> Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield >>Tungsten Alloy Plasma Accelerator Shielding

Tungsten Alloy Plasma Accelerator Shielding

What Is Plasma Accelerator Shielding?

Accelerators come in just a few broad types. First, they propel either lighter particles (electrons and positrons) or heavier ones (such as protons and antiprotons). Second, they can accelerate the particles in a single passage along a straight line or in many orbits around a circular ring. At such energies, electrons and positrons must be accelerated in a straight line; accelerating them in a ring would result in excessive energy loss from a process called synchrotron radiation.

In a plasma accelerator, the role for the accelerating structure is played by the plasma, and ionized gas. Instead of being a problem, electrical breakdown is part of the design because the gas is broken down to begin with. The powder source is not microwave radiation but is either a laser beam or a charged particle beam. Therefore, radiation becomes to a problem. To protect from radiation is very important. Tungsten alloy radiative shielding for plasma accelerator is quite necessary. Tungsten alloy radiative shielding offered by us is qualified.
tungsten alloy plasma accelerator shielding
?Tungsten alloy radiative shielding

Tungsten Alloy Radiative Shielding Is Suitable for Plasma Accelerator

Depending on heaviest density but smallest capacity, tungsten alloy material is more and more popular be used for making tungsten alloy radiative shielding to protect body from plasma accelerator radiation. Compared with lead, tungsten is much smaller but with heavier density, which is very helpful for high radiation absorption. It is more than 60% denser than lead, meanwhile, it has excellent machinability, good corrosion resistance. The most important thing is that, tungsten material is environment-friendly.
tungsetn alloy plasma accelerator shielding
Tungsten alloy radiative shielding

Chinatungsten Can Offer Tungsten Alloys Plasma Accelerator Shielding

We can offer tungsten alloy radiative shielding and other products used as plasma accelerator shielding against radiation. Please see the following tungsten alloys plasma accelerator shielding picture:

tungsten alloy plasma accelerator shielding tungsten heavy alloy plasma accelerator shielding
tungsten alloys plasma accelerator shielding
tungsten alloy radiative shielding

Why Use Tungsten Alloy Radiative Shielding?

Compared to traditional radiation shielding materials such as lead and boron carbide, tungsten alloy radiative shielding provide excellent density with small capacity. At the same weights high density alloy can provide the same energy absorption as lead using 1/3 less material. When the weight is certain, more density, and the thickness would be thinner. Tungsten alloy radiative shielding material could be made with thinner thickness but high absorption of radiation in high density. That is why tungsten alloy radiative shielding material is suitable for radiation shielding.

During design of shielding, it is calculated according to requirements of shield to abate the multiple shielding materials' thickness.
Formula: K=e0.693 d / △1/2
K: Shield weakened multiple
△ 1/2: The shielding material of the half-value layer values
d: Shielding thickness, with the half-value layer thickness of their units, you need to half-value layer thickness of the quality of translation into the thickness of the material, divided by the density of the material can be obtained.

If you have any enquiry about tungsten alloy radiative shielding and other tungsten alloy products, please do not hesitate to contact sales@chinatungsten.com, or call 0086 592 5129696.

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