
Home >> Tungsten Alloy Military Fittings >>Tungsten High Velocity Armour-piercing Bullet

Tungsten High Velocity Armour-piercing Bullet

Tungsten is a rare high melting point metal. Tungsten metal can endure high temperature without deformation and is free from air erosion at room temperature. This feature is widely used in the military. It’s mainly used for the production of high-speed steel, high-speed cutting tools, and super-hard mold. In aviation and rocket technology, as well as in other sectors that require high thermal strength of machine parts, engines and some other instruments, tungsten and alloys of molten metals (tantalum, niobium, molybdenum, and rhenium) are used as heat-resistant materials.

Tungsten high velocity armour-piercing bullet has high density, strong toughness, high speed, good penetration ability and high hit rate. It depends on the high-temperature and high-pressure gas in the bore to obtain a lot of initial kinetic energy, and the tank armor came to a hardness of the battle. Under strong stress, the armor wall slowly hollows and eventually breaks, killing living forces and destroying the tank's internal systems.

Compared with the traditional puncture projectile, it is not filled with explosive, but changed to tungsten alloy cartridge. After breaking through the armor, it relies on high-speed splashes of armor and core fragments to kill the personnel and destroy the equipment in the armor.

Tungsten High Velocity Armour-piercing Bullet Images

tungsten high velocity armour-piercing bullet image  tungsten high velocity armour-piercing bullet image  tungsten high velocity armour-piercing bullet image 

If you have any interest in tungsten high velocity armour-piercing bullet, please feel free to contact us by email: sales@chinatungsten.com or by phone: 86 592 5129696.

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Phone:+86-592-5129696, +86-592-5129595; Email:sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com
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