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Tungsten Alloy Gyroscope Rotor

Tungsten alloy gyroscope rotor has simple structure, good abrasion resistance and long working life. It is well known that gyroscope is the heart of navigation and control system such as satellite, rocket, missile, aircraft, submarine and torpedo. The stability of gyroscope is improved with the increase of the weight of gyroscope.

Tungsten heavy alloys have many special properties such as high density, high melting point, wear resistance, high tensile strength, good elongation capacity, low vapor pressure, excellent thermal stability and high radiation absorption capacity, etc. And due to these advantages, tungsten alloy gyroscope rotor can be used for a long time even in high-speed rotating environments. Moreover, the use of tungsten alloy as the rotor of the gyroscope can greatly improve its stability and control precision.

At present, although various advanced navigation technologies emerge in the world, gyroscope, as inertial guidance, it is still the most widely used navigation instrument in the world. When dissecting an aircraft, it is found that directional gyroscope, vertical gyro and speed gyro are used as outer rim rotor with high density tungsten alloy.

Tungsten Alloy Gyroscope Rotor Images

tungsten alloy gyroscope rotor image  tungsten alloy gyroscope rotor image  tungsten alloy gyroscope rotor image 

If you have any interest in tungsten alloy gyroscope rotor, please feel free to contact us by email: sales@chinatungsten.com or by phone: 86 592 5129696.

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Phone:+86-592-5129696, +86-592-5129595; Email:sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com
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