
Home >> Tungsten Alloy Bucking Bar >>Tungsten Riveting Bucking Bar

Tungsten Riveting Bucking Bar

Riveting is a common method of assembly, and the role of a tungsten riveting bucking bar is to guide the rivet. The bucking bar is placed on the head of the rivet while hitting the other end with a hammer. Commonly, the bucking bar can absorb the force of rivet guns and reduce the vibration of bucking. On the surface, it looks highly polished. Well that's because they are. All bucking surfaces are polished to a minimum 63 finish to protect the rivet stem and insure the perfect bucked rivet. So scratches are scratched off your list and riveting becomes a smooth ride.

Chinatungsten can manufacture any bucking bar you design with zero tooling and engineering charges. We use only the best tungsten alloys to make our bucking bars and also use any tungsten alloy you desire to meet your specs. There's no size too big and no size too small, we can handle any size bar, just give us your specs and we'll do the rest. Cobalt would not be used in any of our bars, because the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has determined cobalt to be a probable human carcinogen.

Tungsten Riveting Bucking Bar Images

tungsten riveting bucking bar image  tungsten riveting bucking bar image  tungsten riveting bucking bar image 

If you have any interest in tungsten riveting bucking bar, please feel free to contact us by email: sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com or by telephone:0086 592 5129696.

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