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Tungs-Tone Stylus

Tungs-Tone stylus, is usually made of tungsten wire, is a type of phonograph stylus. It is constructed from tungsten wire, which is held in a metal shank. Unlike a steel stylus, Tungs-Tone has a cylindrical rather than a conical shape, meaning that the cross-section remains the same as the tungsten wire, when Tungs-Tone stylus wears down, it means that tungsten wire may be used for several plays as iis wear-resistance.

Typically, a new steel needle is required for every record played on an old acoustic phonograph. This is because the record contains abrasive material. In the first few silent tracks tungsten wire abrasion hones the steel needle to a profile that tracks the grooves properly. The needle continues to wear as tungsten wire plays the record, so that by the end tungsten wire diameter has increased to the point where the sharp edges may damage the grooves on subsequent plays. tungsten wire has so many good properties. We can provide all sizes of tungsten wire to make Tungs-Tone stylus as per client's requirements.

Pictures of Tungs-Tone stylus Made of Tungsten Wire

tungs-tone stylus tungs-tone stylus tungsten alloy wire tungs-tone stylus
Tungs-Tone stylus-01
Tungs-Tone stylus-02
Tungsten Wire-01
Tunsten Wire-02

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about tungsten wire for Tungs-Tone stylus. Our e-mail address is sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com. Or you can call us on 0086 592 5129595/5129696/5127878.

Related Links: Tungsten Alloy | Tungsten Alloy Music | Tungsten Wire for Phonograph Stylus
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