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Diving Tungsten Weight

diving tungsten weight
Diving tungsten weight

What is Diving Tungsten Weight?

Diving tungsten weight are used to act against the buoyancy of other diving equipment, such as diving suits and diving cylinders. The diver must be weighted so that he is negatively buoyant by default, and then adjust the amount of air in his Buoyancy Compensation Device (BCD) in order to achieve neutral or positive buoyancy as and when required. A secure weight belt or weight harness is a crucial safety item for any diver. It has to be able to release instantly in any emergency, allowing you to drop your weights but be locked enough not to come loose during your normal diving activities.

Tungsten Diving Weight VS Lead Diving Weight?

The most common diving weight used with a belt consists of plain, rectangular lead blocks with two slots in them threaded onto the belt. These blocks can be coated in plastic, which further increases corrosion resistance. These weights are often marketed as being less abrasive to wetsuits. The weights may be constrained from bbing by the use of metal or plastic belt sliders.

scuba diving tungsten weight
Diving Tungsten Weight

However, lead is ranked number two on the U.S. Government's Top 100 Hazardous Substances Priority List. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has listed lead as a toxic chemical and set very restrictive threshold limits for concentrations in air, soil, water and vegetation. Lead is also under strict limitations in unleaded gasoline, paint, and general exposure in workplaces. According to this List, lead poses the second "most significant potential threat to human health", due to its toxicity and potential for exposure.

As lead is toxic, diving tungsten weight is a suitable for diving lead weight replacement. It has an even higher density than lead. However, due to its extremely high melting temperature, molding tungsten into a shape is complex and costly. Still, tungsten diving weight can be formed into solids through a process called sintering. This is where tungsten and other metal powders are pressed into shape and bound in a special furnace. And the diving tungsten weight is harder than the lead diving weight, so it would have a longer service life than the lead weight.

Diving tungsten weight is become more and more popular among the divers, and it’s high density and would be made small than the lead weight which is easy to wear and it’s helpful for the diver to diving more deeply.

If you have any interest in diving tungsten weight, please feel free to email us: sales@chinatungsten.com sales@xiamentungsten.com or call us by: 0086 592 512 9696, 0086 592 512 9595. We are at your service.

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